Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Oy! She's In Pants???

Oy! She's wearing a skirt above her knee or oy! She's in pants?!?!?!? Wow! I can't believe it!! How is she still married? Mamish ve a goy!! Shreklach!
Ummm..... this is a sensitive topic and people will have different opinions but feel free to voice them.

So you see this girl in the street that comes from a fine home, they have yichus and she's in pants. Guess what ladies!!!!! Your judging!!! She's a goy??? Why, because she's in pants???? Maybe she's going through a tough time. Or maybe she's trying to figure out who she is! I mean its so sad that people judge by the clothes someone wears. Maybe she says Tehilim every day and volunteers in the hospital. There are other parts to a person besides her dress code. And how about their are different kinds of Jews. Some wear a yarmulka some don't. Some wear a skirt some wear pants. Some shave their
hair some don't. Judging a person by how he or she dresses is horrible!!! Shame on you!!! I don't judge you for the ugly tichel your wearing, so please don't judge us for the clothing were wearing.


  1. I won't judge you if you won't make excuses for yourself. If you can't fit in with the hood move to a more modern one.

  2. Anybody can dress whatever way they want where ever they want. And you have no right to judge anybody for the way they dress. And perhaps if you have a problem with that, YOU should move outa the hood!

  3. I don't live in your hood. If you don't enjoy being judged you should live where people don't judge.

  4. Excuse me your absolutely wrong!!!! Nobody is allowed to judge wherever you live!!!!

  5. You should get work the program or your son could suffer. You absolutely have the right to be yourself but it's selfish to set your son up.

  6. I wish other people would weigh in on this subject.
