So I'm wondering if anyone has the same or similar thoughts as me where kallah teachers need to majorly improve on how they prepare our girls for their wedding night.
I feel that kallah teachers do not prepare our girls well enough or if at all what will happen on their wedding night. How dare does the kallah teacher save the actual "mitzvah" lesson for the night before her wedding?!?!?!?! Your taking a Jewish innocent girl who has no idea what a penis looks like ..... has never been with a man before and all your busy teaching is how to wrap the shmata around the finger!?!?!?!?!? Is that fair???? THAT IS TRAUMA!!!
Every kallah teacher should know that there is alot more then just intercourse!!!! Every girl should be given a CD or video to watch before her wedding so she can process what will happen in the yichud room and on her wedding nigh!!! It's a shreck and a shame how kallah teachers teach!! Because they DON'T teach!!!!!
Dear girls,
When looking for a kallah teacher make sure she doesn't only talk about the" mitzvah" there's alot more she's not telling you. Find someone who will prepare you well especially girls who have never been with a man! Good Luck!!!!
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